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Blues Legends was the name of an Brussels FM radio program animated in French for 15 years (2000-2015) then it gradually became a Facebook page since January 2015.


Some Radio Podcasts available here:


This PLAYLIST BLOG deals with the Blues in all its facets: acoustic, electric...pure or mixed with jazz, soul, gospel, folk, pop, rock.... without distinction of races or countries...


The purpose of this BLOG is very simple, convert to the Blues a maximum of people around the world !


I obviously don’t have the rights to all this material, my goal is educational, but if you feel that some stuff should disappear. Just let me know!


FAQ#1 I do not have the possibility to listen to certain songs or to see certain videos of some playlists


BL : Countries all have different copyright rules, some artists or rights holders all have different promotion strategies ... I can't control all of this, Youtube is doing its job, it goes without saying that I 've been spotted and some of their clients didn't like my concept. It could also be someone who just deleted their account or song(s) selected... But overall I'm positively amazed at the stability of some playlists that haven't changed in a year or two. Anyway, the best way is to copy and paste the name of the song & artist in youtube to be sure there are no other sources.


FAQ#2 What are the differences between existing playlists on youtube and Blues Legends playlists ?


1. multi-labels

2. often one sometimes several videos are included

3. There is a chronological selection

4. the titles are written and often the dates of recordings, the sidemen as well as the names of the album are specified

5. very important, Blues Legends is looking for the best source & also pay attention to possible duplicates.


FAQ#3 : Are you making money with this page and blog?


BL : nothing ... I see myself as someone who shares his humble knowledge acquired during my 15 years of radio broadcasting on the blues... I still learn every day ... and I make a lot of mistakes ... there is no commercial intention behind my blog.



Stefan Wirz :

Gerard Herzhaft Blog :

Wang Dang Dula :

Blues Foundation :

Blues Sessions :

Blues Again :

Dr. Boogie

All About Blues Music

Blues Blast Magazine

Soul Bag Magazine




Thank you so much for following and sharing Blues Legends playlists & blog.



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